
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"hey is that my mum? (points at two black guys)"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The joy of the midnight jog

So midnight runs normally conjure up images of getting in the car with your mates and driving out to the nearest 24-hour fast food chain, probably MacDonalds. As of recent though, they have come to mean jogging past the midnight mark in attempts to "cut", ironically for the prize of a glorious shouted meal. On such jogs i have undergone many epiphanies, particularly regarding assignments i seem to be perpetually all-night-ering for. It's no doubt that exercise definitely wakes me from the coma-inducing properties of biology study, you could say it helps jog the memory of ideas that could benefit my study.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Destructive Construction

The holidays back home always seem to refresh and renew my spirits and the recent 5-day trip did just that. In fact, this time has been the most relaxed thus far and it did reinforce that some of the best moments aren't those spectacular drunken misadventures, or big dramatic events, but simply the small moments like three guys on the coach to visit their friend in another city. Indeed, the one line that really spoke out was "destructive construction", a term one good friend used to describe capitalism and how, every day, billions of dollars are wiped off the stock-market and restored the next day. The phrase also conjures images of a phoenix, the ideal of which has always struck me as simply beautiful. To rise up from the ashes as a fiery, wrath-filled creature and to know that even if everything has gone to hell, there is still hope and you can still stand up - face each day as a stronger and more determined fighter.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

If only we could edit life

So there comes a time in every man's life where he must concede and turn to an editor for help. For a long time i've had a major problem in my life - one that would make most people cringe. It's almost as bad as one of those ER shows where you see mangled limbs and guts flying everywhere. Yes, i admit it, i have always had a problem with grammar, syntax and just general expression.