I apologise to my loyal readership of two google bots for my long absence. It has almost been an entire year since I last wrote in this blog and to be honest, I cannot justify for whatever reason why it has taken so long for me to restart this passion of mine. There have been so many attempts in the past - handwritten works, rambles on my phone, and ideas that felt so powerful but now have rotted away in time, no longer maintained by my short attention spain. After all this, I have finally realised it is time to stop worrying about editing, and forcing myself to write a specific topic or issue that I am passionate about. Or even worrying about being interesting (not saying I was ever anyway), but that this blog should really just be about writing whatever I want as it comes up. Why draft away then forget to edit it later? - the words lose their soul and meaning as time goes on. And so, henceforth posts will be as they are - rough drafts of rants and rambling thoughts of a person who loves to express the symbolisms of life that aren't even there.