
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"man i was buying a snackbox then i was fully late to work"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, June 5, 2016


So a short preamble: This post has less to do with an idea but more so an explanation for future posts. So when I graduated high school, I made a list of 101 things to do before graduating university and like most lists, it has become a symbol of how I derive so much pleasure from beginning many projects but never seem to finish them. Long story short, one of the things to do is to finish writing 200 blog posts by the time I graduate in about one and a half years. Unfortunately even one a week means that I will not be able to accomplish this task, and that the only way is to write multiple times in a week but that is riddled with problems.

So this is a classic question of quantity versus quality. In opting for more posts, am I not sacrificing my literary integrity (whatever exists) in churning out prose and ideas that are not as polished as I would like? The counter-argument of course rests in the notion that well my prose is already terrible and so there would be not much sacrifice in terms of quality and that perhaps the constraints are not in quality control but rather in my complacency when it comes to writing. All I can say is that as a young wide-eyed teenager, perhaps I considered 200 blog posts a quantitative goal just to ensure that I continue writing into my adulthood and avoid the unfortunate trend of people losing hobbies as they grow older. In that sense, am I not still continuing to write and although uncommon as it is between posts, the fact that I continue writing should be the main achievement that I should derive from the goal of achieving 200 blog posts?

Another idea that comes to mind is my tendency to treat goals verbatim rather than loosely. This is best exemplified by this one time where my good friend had set the task of walking from the northern point of a beach to the southern point in order to make brunch in the south, but achieving such would require waking at an ungodly hour. Needless to say in efforts to surprise, I set an alarm for the ungodly hour, but to an appreciably angry sleep-deprived reception. We ended up doing the walk later that day but the debate arose as to the fact that I take tasks far too verbatim and that she was quite content with doing the walk in itself as a achievement, but I argued that it did not really count as an accomplishment unless you did exactly as it was written. And so in the line of thought as this 200 blog posts, surely even doing 150 by graduation could be seen an achievement as well and I should be content enough by such an achievement?

The problem is that unfortunately I am an extremely arrogant, egotistical and determined individual and therefore cannot accept what I consider an admission of weakness by achieving any less than what I promised myself. Therein probably lies the reason why my lists remain incomplete over the years as I probably over-exaggerate my abilities and write an impossible list to begin with. But as one memorable speaker once said in a medical conference a few years back, as he juggles his magician/entertaining career with a medical career, he considers it better to have more than you can finish on your plate or "bite off more than you can chew" than to be satisfied with adequacy. So basically I am going to say here that I am determined to get 200 blog posts even if it means shorter, rantier, dirtier posts like this one.

Enjoying my lazy Sunday day off so bye.

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