
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"let's talk about something cool!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Left vs Right

A common topic discussed particularly in pop-science circles is the idea that left and right hemispheres of the brain are entirely separate entities connected by the great corpus callosum connector. Where the left is logical, precise, calculated and focused on details, the right is creative, emotionally responsive, able to see the bigger picture. A recent podcast I stumbled upon discussed these notions, and although I've done no empirical study of my own to even verify whether such theories are valid, it did make me ponder and analyse my own behaviours.

The over-arching theme of the podcast was to suggest that a deficit in either hemisphere would be detrimental; and that over time we have become focused on a left-hemisphere centric world with the rise of technology and science.

Let's focus on the first theme: the example given was a piece of music where each note in isolation would be seemingly meaningless, but it is the combination and flow of notes that provide music. With a left-sided deficit, perhaps we would fail to appreciate the subtleties of each individual tone with its timbre/tone/instrument; but a right-sided deficit would fail to appreciate the overarching flow of the piece, but either way would ruin a beautifully composed piece. To be honest, I thought they were going to discuss how without a right-side, we may see each piece of music as a technically crafted piece of rhythm, pitch and tone without appreciating its emotional impact; and in the other light, would see music as merely a wonderfully complex mathematical equation.

As for the second: it reminded me of my upbringing on predominantly mathematical/science/engineering fields - with my escape in high school through the expressive realm of literature. And it made me consider whether as a result of upbringing, I have been engineered into a left-predominant robot with my analytical eyes, numerical recall, obsessiveness over small details, pride on efficiency and push for systemic progress; all this, of course, could explain why people always considered me brash/unfeeling - such emotional reception a quality associated with the right-side I lacked. And perhaps, with the maturity of my brain over time; came those tentacles of connection between the sides that allowed me a slight (ever so slight) improvement in my right-sided brain.

But indeed, I see what they mean by with a progressively globalised and technologically advancing world how people's roles have become so sub-specialised, and everyone is just another cog in the wheel of our economy. Also how left-sided logical/calculated/callous roles seemingly have become more valued than their right-sided feeling/social/expressive counterparts. How easy it is these days that one's function can simply to do equations/calculate/spreadsheets all day, every day without any ounce of emotional/humanity consideration.

But it is easy to make divides like left/right; IQ/EQ; sciences/humanities; technician/manager. The truth is, despite progression in medical understanding, the human brain remains as elusive as ever; and a good model of what truly constitutes our perception of the world will remain far away and may require more than just lab scientists but people on both sides of the spectrum to collaborate.

Always striving to improve my right-sided brain so bye.

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