
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"i only read like two books on warren buffet"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's Just a Game

Recently I’ve given up something quite dear to myself. It may seem sad that a man can somehow feel like a computer game is emotionally attached but it’s the same relationship as one has with a pet. Sometimes you love it’s cuddly, fun nature but other times it pees all over your bed and pisses you off.

Of course, I’ve always been a dork even back in year six writing pointless websites with ten visits by one visitor, myself. Anyhow, this soon transferred into another form of admiration namely gaming. Games, against popular belief, can actually help you in school, and I don’t mean those homosexually orientated maths games involving counting pink cupcakes or aiming trajectories for Tanks. Real Time Strategy games have always been my favourite and have indeed helped me in school. Age of Empires 2 would make learning history actually entertaining. How else could the Byzantine Empire with their Cataphracts and defenses be taken down but by Chemistry, and consequently Gun Powdered Bombard Cannons with fourteen range by the Ottoman Empire? Recently though such has shifted into the classic Human versus Parasitic creature versus Advanced Aliens. Not saying anything but someone definitely plagiarised somebody else. We have Alien vs Predator and Starcraft II: Predators are Protoss, Aliens are Zerg and good old Humans, well they’re all but dead.

The problem now is that the downsides of gaming are starting to outweigh the upsides. I find packets of Doritos piling up, being always short of energy drinks and find myself at 4am bitching at some other player half a world away. So I have decided to give up Starcraft for a month. Still I stand by that computer games are educational, improving our morals (to be good or bad in Role Playing Games), computer ergonomics (to be able to click shit amazingly fast) and ability to problem solve (should I build a house or a farm?), but if anything at all, this teaches something about perhaps a future near to us: eventually all will become a great conflict between three main forces: Humans versus Covenant versus Flood (Halo), Humans versus that crazy AI bitch versus T-Virus zombies (Resident Evil). Now that’s history for you.

This self-imposed ban on Starcraft is killing me so bye.

1 comment:

  1. in warcraft you have sexy elves vs big orcs vs formerly human undead and currently human... humans?, of which the sexy elves are the best :D
