
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"you know warren buffet plays bridge"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

'tis The Season

Christmas is largely a consumerist driven holiday but amongst the bad Christmas Santas, long opening hours that piss off those in the hospitality business (ie me) and the trucks of chocolate you receive, the true spirit is still there, well somewhere in deep.

Now its probably easier extracting information from a terrorist than extracting the spirit of giving in today's dog eat dog society but somehow, there is still some of it around at Christmas. Personally i love Christmas and its promises of a jolly fat man breaking in and robbing the place of cookies. It's a time for giving, peace, and family. Don't get me wrong any other day of the year my household would be the last place I’d be but at least, one lunch a year, i deal with it because hey it’s Jesus’ birthday and also what he would do, spend a day drinking beers with his dad, God.

I always love giving out presents, sure most of the time they're probably the cost of a coke can and other times they are coke cans. either way to me its really the thought that counts. A present with thought behind it will always be better than one bought. Unless there was two hundred dollars of no thought involved. At the end of the day i probably give the most useless presents and cheap-ass cards, not because I’m both of those adjectives but rather cause its the thought that counts. Now I’m off dreaming of my Christmas wish list and hoping that fat man breaks in and leaves a new Ipod.

Wishing I was drinking eggnog minus the egg, cream and sugar so bye.

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