
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"i think they put lime in my sandwich!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Friday, June 10, 2011


So the past few days i've been down and out with a cold - brought upon by largely unsanitary sharing of food rituals at school plus the sudden cold snap unleashed upon Sydney. Solitary confinement often makes you think (mainly because the headache's so bad that trying to do anything else is impossible) and so after watching The Adjustment Bureau, it really made me question the whole notion of self-determinism again. Man, i need to go out more.

So the most stupidest thing is that yesterday, after having to stay home due to a large headache, bodily fluids coming out everywhere (mainly the nose and mouth you sick people) and a minor fever, i was trying to make myself some breakfast. Being lazy, i decided i'd heat up some canned soup, and just my luck while trying to open it, the lid decides to suddenly graze me in the finger and now just to add to my list of worries, comes rushing a steady flow of blood. Luckily it didn't get in my chicken and corn soup. So i'm basically wondering, really, do i really deserve this? And maybe it is karma for things i've done recently. So forth and so on, question my existence, then i go sleep for another ten hours.

Anyhow, it's about a week and five days before the next assessments and i still haven't done enough study so now i am wondering how exactly i will not fail mathematics like last time. Honestly sometimes year twelve just moves along so fast and it's only when you have time out of the loop that you realise how fast you were going. On another note, i missed out on one dollar 7-11 day (if it wasn't just another hoax again) and really would've enjoyed a one dollar muffin. Oh well, that's life isn't it, just a box of chocolates, sometimes you get the crap liquorice ie sickening one, and sometimes you get the sweet and refreshing chocolate mint one. I never really believed in fate, but Jesus Allah-Buddah, if you're out there, please give me a nice and refreshing dose of karma, or run of luck for the next few weeks. Oh and i realise that i do need to do some work on my end of the bargain, not just "if god wants me to do well, he'll give me the marks necessary". I know God, some people these days want everything for no self-input. If anything, He is much like a multiplier effect in economics, it only is really apparent in theory, and depends on how much you put in, and your marginal propensity to save. Well, at least i'm somewhat paying attention in one subject.

Wishing this ordeal was over only to encounter the next assessment block so bye.

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