
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"you know warren buffet plays bridge"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Moon

Let's face it, due to a childhood pressure to do well in Western studies and so my mother completely disregarded my knowledge of Chinese culture and history. This means i actually have no idea what the recent moon festival was actual about. Nevertheless, it represents a new beginning, a rebirth of sorts and that's what spring is, a pollen-filled hay fever plaguing season filled with new fitness regimes to look good for summer.

So recently i've been jogging every, well okay, most mornings and honestly for me there have been many benefits: i feel more awake when it comes to study, days seem to last much longer and general stress levels because of all the extra energy. Indeed, with so little time before final exams at high school and most people go into "nerd hibernation", a term coined by a dear friend but i believe the opposite will not only be more productive physically, but also emotionally and mentally. I often seem to do well in the latter half of the year but the reasons why are difficult to pin-point. Either its due to the fact that i completely bum out the first half examinations, or Rugby's strict regime of training and fitness augments my mental capacity.

There are so many motivations one can have for a fitness regime, lifestyle change or diet, but even though eighty percent of our actions are sex influenced, the biggest motivation in my eyes are friends and of course, amino acids called endorphins. While the latter can be achieved through other ways, the greatest way is reaching the summit of a small hill every morning with a mate.

Trying to continue this health kick as long as possible so bye.

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