
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"you know warren buffet plays bridge"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If there has been one word to take my clique by storm, it is the word 'mangled'. Indeed when you say it, you are clearly trying to be much cooler than you think but regardless, the definition (urban dictionary style) is to be 'off your face' or rather drinking a lot. To be honest, post-HSC there is nothing left to do but get 'mangled', i mean the brain cells are no longer going to be that useful and you have so much time and money that you might as well do it. To be honest, 'mangled' is a word that sounds kind of gruesome and death-ridden but then again, after seeing some friends obtain such status, it fittingly suits the mood.

Today was a fine day despite BOM's warnings to thunderstorms late morning because they luckily got pushed back to around dusk. This meant that it was a generic spring/summer day and well there are many options available on such great days gifted by Gaia. Which reminds me, my original idea for this post was going to 'Gaia'. To many Gaia represents a deity, a female symbolism of nature and all things natural. Honestly, i have to admit that after chilling at parks for English (in true Emily Dickinson-esque style) i have appreciated the awe that such beauty of simple flowers encompass. The postcard image of nature would have to be a bee moving from flower to flower, obtaining nectar, i imagine to continue the species. Anyhow, back from my rant on Gaia, today was a perfect day for a picnic, and well two pizzas later, it was a semi-picnic despite the oven we cooked the pizzas on being about 50m away. At least we were outside enjoying the sun's kisses. Sunkist is a very good name for soft-drinks and to be honest, Mountain Dew implies some sort of deep snapshot you find on Flickr with those people who attempt to be extremely deep. Plus "Mountain Dew is the best drink ever..." - Family Guy and in America, with caffeine i imagine it would taste about 2.1x10^15 times better which i got wrong in Physics recently.

Barecove Radler is by far one of the best beers out there. Nevertheless, Strongbow of any variety especially Dry and 5 Seed Extra Dry trump that by 6.626x10^-34 or Plank's constant. It's really weird that when i am getting mangled, the majority of my speech involves Physics, probably because i secretly love it despite the HSC being over and feeling terrible over my abysmal result. Anyhow, with 2x10^-7 days remaining until certain Medicine interviews, i hereby announce my retirement from getting mangled until they are finished.

Going to watch Dexter (highly recommended show) so bye.

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