
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"(puts on hungry jacks bag on his head) you know in nfl they put paper bags on when they're losing"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


In such a stressful time of the year for many students across Australia, its good to find an outlet for your worries and shattered dreams. Of course its too early to really speculate on your results because there's still another few weeks of examinations then another month of marking but depending on whether your a pessimist like me, or an optimist, like nobody, there's always a deep feeling of failure you have to endure.

The best way i've found is to either immerse yourself within waist deep of past papers and questions in the next upcoming test, of course this is a downside when your next examination is English and involves two hours of writing non-stop and carpel tunnel syndrome for every past paper. Therefore, i've discovered there's a lot better way that most females have a lot of experience doing - shopping, of course in better terms, indulging in sheer hedonism. For many guys, the stigma of shopping comes from the fact that it is utterly boring unless you have wads of cash to blow on anything from a new plasma television, to a new gaming console. Otherwise, looking at badly dressed manikins and pieces of fabric of different colours is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Even then, if you were really bored, you could probably bet with a mate which paint drop reaches the bottom first. Anyhow my point is it is actually a very good thing just to indulge a little, myself for example purchased a phone recently and last night i spent ages trying to update it and make it personalised. I of course admired how such a small piece of three hundred dollar hardware can make a man so happy. I of course am rather a geek in the technological sense but most men can take comfort in some sort of new gadget whether it is a brand new car, or a brand new wallet, or a brand new suit or a brand new deck of trading cards. For those many hours of searching forums on how to not turn my new phone into a worthless brick, i had forgotten about my disastrous performance and was content.

Anyhow with two tests remaining, the light at the end of the tunnel seems nearer and nearer and the days, sunnier and sunnier. There is a bitter feeling though that after twelve years of studying mathematics, it had to end in such a displeasing fashion and although i disagree with the many articles suggesting that the easier examination was actually harder than the hard one, there is a sense of a lack of accomplishment because there is no way to improve on your result because it is done and dusted. So, we must move on to the next battle in the war of intellectual remembrance, and yes, that too was a catastrophic loss. Therefore, we must move on and not stop fighting and indulge briefly in consumerism so we may forget our woes, and then march till we wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy.

The end (of examinations because i'm not a crazy religious nut) is near so bye.

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