
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"how do you get crispy bacon?"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


You know that feeling when there's a really important event coming up - maybe a birthday or anniversary or perhaps some sort of examination and you kind of haven't gotten a gift or planned a nice date or done any study. Yes, most people would call it being "screwed" quite vulgar and wrong because it implies some sort of love making which in most cases is one of life's most beautiful things and not the dribble of trying to rummage one's room for notes of some legibility that might, if He permits, not cause a fail.

So what do you do when you have such a terrible feeling? Like most things in life, there's two things one can do: Fight or Flight. Do i tackle this problem head-on like some sort of man, or run away like another type of physically smaller man? Unfortunately, sometimes there's just not enough time to try and get some sort of conceivable effort in for example, a week or so after their birthday but i still gave it shot and hope i came up with a good enough present to make up for the belated-ness. So by some sort of deduction, we can assume that i am actually someone who tries fighting when the chips are down. I suppose then that would explain why i have slept less than 18 hours the past three nights after three incredibly different ways of spending them: night one involved a dinner and some alcohol, night two involved a movie and some heavy duty walking, night three involved lazing at home, downing a two hundred gram packet of chips and watching television shows. All of these of course, till the wee hours of the early morning. All of these of course, also instead of doing what i am meant to be doing which is attempting to study.

Of course, one of the night's was my birthday so i suppose one night does not hurt but with another year gone, one can only feel really old, now we're talking talk about "back in my day" old, we're talking drive real slow grandma old, we're talking playing bowls with your mates old, we're talking "those damn japanese" old, we're talking, you get the point. But i suppose i'm really not that old considering i'm still up at 3am watching some child's show. Then again, my back did start aching the other day...

Trying to not get screwed academically but wish so physically so bye.

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