
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"oh man, we're gonna get stabbed"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I know I've been rather neglectful of readership (my whole two googlebots) these past few weeks but because of the fact that right now is such a momentous occasion where high school is but a distant memory and university is just barely peering out in the distant future. There is but time to simply enjoy the moment before once again many prospective university students stress out over examination results and lifestyle decisions. It is time to forget everything in fits of fun or dazes of alcohol-filled balmy nights with mates.

Now while most people are getting smashed at schoolies whether this be the traditional Queensland one or many other road trips to various places along the Australian coast or even overseas, I'm rather one who prefers the sanctuary of home. It's not that I spend much time there though but for the same amount of time, money and effort, you can get a truckload of beer, unlimited nights crashing at people's houses and free loitering for entertainment. You know what they say, the best things in life are free and honestly I don't feel like I'm missing out on much because fun is derived from friends, not the location even though it doesn't hurt to be somewhere classy for a change. For example, the other night we observed three young women drinking out of goon sacks at Wynyard station and one must think that going to a bar is a far better option then again, 15 dollar cocktails versus 30c per standard drink of premium goon sack wine really lets the latter win most of the time.

As one friend put it, alcohol doesn't create fun but it does help create cheap thrills. Games like Big Two and Hearts are instantaneously a zillion times more fun with alcohol in the mix. But honestly the most fun I've had so far has been simply talking with another person about thoughts, feelings, and all other random anxieties we humans are often plagued with. All this of course, with an extreme sense of sobriety. Plus with a thousand dollar plus debt (and growing) so far, the best things in life are definitely free.

Trying to save money by being a huge cheapass so bye.

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