
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"(puts on hungry jacks bag on his head) you know in nfl they put paper bags on when they're losing"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Everyone knows that Tupac song that's sampled from Bruce Hornsby, it's actually quite beautiful when two otherwise unlikely pals find each other in a moment of brilliance - when rap and piano/other classically associated instruments are synced in a display of the art that is remixing. Musical brilliance aside, it is New Years Eve and really it is time again for many hopefuls around the world to begin making a list of the resolutions they strive to achieve next year - most involve dieting, fitness, gyming, and all other things that just make you sweat thinking about them.

So, like the sheep i am, i too am going to start creating a list, right here just for my two dear googlebot readers. Sometimes i look back on some timestamps (such as this one) and wonder well, i probably could've done this a lot earlier in the day (well technically later now) rather than stay up till such an ungodly hour to blog and so, from next year onwards, i will strive to keep my timestamps between 8am-12am but of course, i can always cheat and change my timestamps but that's almost as bad as saying "oh i'll do that tomorrow" then tomorrow comes and it's again "oh i'll do that tomorrow" and well, nothing ever gets done. Another resolution i aim to make is to clean my room at least once a week and organise it in a logical coherent manner, which may be difficult considering my own consciousness isn't so but nonetheless, i will try. Then again, while pig styes may be off-putting and smelly, they're also a lot more easier to maintain not to mention create delicious morsels in the future - so living in one is almost an investment in being delicious in the future. But seriously, ranting aside obviously i am going to try and actually get that six pack now - especially after joining a gym i've gone a whole three times to so far. Basically, because of the fact i'm extremely stingy and i'm blowing money on the gym means that i have to go to the gym otherwise i'm just wasting my money which of course, is the worst thing ever although i do seem to blow it on random eBay products nowadays. People seem to think those infomercials on late night television with their "biometric synergy", "zumba fitness crazes" and Justin Bieber advertising some "pro-active cream" are attractive, but no, random eBay surfing is a far more potent way to lose money and get useless stuff. With that being said, i feel 3am is time to actually call it a night and begin thinking of actually accomplishing these three short resolutions and join many millions out there who try every year, yet find themselves again blogging the next year at 3am.

Happy New Year so bye.

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