
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"hey it's ms chen (young attractive student teacher). hee hee hee hee!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


I must apologise for my infrequent posting. I guess you could say that i've been rather uninspired these few weeks - i gues you could say a little bit of writer's block but mainly a whole lot of can't be bothered. However, again as it always does to most writer's, nature has given me a new sense of inspiration and awe. It's really quite amazing what your discover when you just open your eyes to the world.

So my last few weeks? Well long story short: university, rugby, and i'm screwed for final examinations. Today i went to a rugby match somewhere in the depths of nowhere and found the most serene place. A trail through a forest-like parkland which fit the summer childhood stereotype perfectly. The trail is busy with bikes and many families enjoying the lovely day. There are wild turkeys scurrying and gnats dancing in the breeze. There is innocent laughter and the soft sizzle of sausages on the barbie. There is a river beside the trail - the sound of pit-patting on the stones by both children's feet and other stones that have been thrown, aimed to skid but sink. With all the hustle and bustle of life, it is nice that families can still take one day off a week and just enjoy the pleasures of life.

I suppose it opens my eyes to the fact that everyone should try and work an off-day in to the schedule that controls us. A day where you have no plans, no commitments and simply enjoying life whether this is with family, friends or nature with a little self-reflective "me-time". I'm glad that i got my dose today right before the end of semester examinations and the impending doom - all practice papers that make you question what you've been doing for the past few months. After all this though, will be the time where once again, i can enjoy an off-day. There is still light at the end of this tunnel, only the tunnel is going to be a long damned darkened one. See you on the other side.

Last-minuting an assignment as per usual so bye.

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