
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"(peers at ms barry (another young teacher) then continues to squat down) oh yea side view."

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moving In

Now as much as i'm up for adventure and surprise, i'm actually a person who loves security - the safety in knowing that certain aspects of life will always be constant. I am a lover of routine and the patterns of life. However, these past few weeks i have been expected to experience things never before anticipated. So long story short, i got kicked out of my home-stay while on holiday.

My relationship with the home-stay woman, a middle aged full-time worker, part-time MBA student, would never be considered the best. For starters, i might have stolen some bread and ham the first few weeks to make sandwiches in efforts to save money (seeing how i only got breakfast and dinner included in my deal). I also may have used her printer and scanner without her permission (after she chucked a spaz about it earlier) because i was far too poor to afford my own. But honestly, to not let me use your scanner which costs you nothing other than less than a cent of electricity is a bit ridiculous for grounds of expulsion. Of course, there were nights where i returned closer to the next morning than the previous night, and some when i didn't return at all. I also may have also woken her up stumbling in the dark. I would also ask for dinner to be left out even though i ate out just to feel like i wasn't wasting a meal. I think the final nail in the coffin though was when i woke her up the night before i left on holiday by talking too loudly on Skype.

In any case, here i am now moved in with three other interstate students in my cohort in sub-par living conditions. The shower head broke the first few days so we had to endure basically a glorified hose with the weakest stream of water. The toilets are filled with all types of fungi far too dangerous to even examine up-close. The laundry room is right below the bathroom which leaks to create a messy puddle some of my washed clothes luckily dropped into. The whole place - littered with random boxes of expired goods, and the grass - well let's just say it took a few stalls to get it all mowed. Well, i can't say i've exactly helped conditions. My room is narrow as hell and so to fit all my things i had to expand my territory to the entire hallway, using the hand-rails of the stairs going downstairs as my drying rack, and using my blind's rail as another. You would call my room "cosy" if you were trying to sell it.

Last night, i thought of the strangest idea - ever since i have moved interstate, i have slept on single bed frames that all have wheels. Maybe i'm reading far too into it but after sleeping on beds that never move, or simply just a mattress (since my bed frame broke just before i left), this feels rather symbolic of my new life. I wonder how many more moving beds i will endure over the next few years - when will it all end and when will i finally settle down? It's funny how a simple bed frame makes you think about your entire life. Honestly, i never anticipated to move out until i was around 21 but even then, it seemed unrealistic, but now here i am moved in with room mates enduring the premium university life, one run on Mi-goreng that's expired, frozen vegetables and the worst cuts of meat. Yes, i actually am living the life that i thought university would be, but while it may sound terrible as hell, i'm actually enjoying it. Experience is experience and in a few years hopefully when i actually do earn a decent wage, and can afford a decent meal, i will look back and laugh on days when i had to actually steal bread and fruit from my home-stay, buy and stock up on 3 toothpastes because it was on special and travel hours around the place by public transport because i can't afford a car.

Debating between eating expired Mi-Goreng or suspect possibly-mouldy bread for dinner later so bye.

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