
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"This is why I can't have facebook, because if I did, I'd just be stalking people all the time"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Underdog Stories

Now i know that after that terrible dog movie involving a superhero dog, the term 'underdog' has probably got taken down a few respect points but nonetheless i still find that i, just like every other aussie out there, loves a underdog story. Something about giving people a fair go, some David vs Golitarth story seems to get to me. Key such classic Australian movies like 'The Castle' or 'Footy Legends' featuring even more famous actors far too famous to name here. Regardless of how terrible the Australian movie industry is, underdog stories form one of my fundamental ideals.

Recently i met someone in a tutorial who had perhaps the most interesting story to date - he was a refugee from Afghanistan who now lives here, doing a Bachelor of Biomedical Science. He also wants to get into medicine and did not get into it through high school because of his lower English ability (which forced him to repeat Years 11 and 12 basically). He is about 23 now and in his first ear of study, still continues to strive to achieve his dream. To escape the terrible daily struggle of Afghanistan and try and achieve something like medicine is truly a great story. His older brother graduated recently and is now a medical researcher trying to support their two unemployable parents. These underdog stories truly get to me.

For a second, i'm going to critcise the medicine selection process again. It seems unfair that there are so many children with rich or medically based parents who hand-fed their children into medicine. Basically providing them with UMAT coaching, interview training, high school subject tutoring and so forth. It feels as though no one - no real person can possibly compete against these engineered people. I mean one could argue that such people are more competent candidates as a result of such conditioning - while i on the other hand would rather pick someone who rose from nothing with just hard-work and dedication.

No system is perfect but when you hear stories of affluent international students, with dentists, project developers, businessmen or doctors are parents, who have life-plans to become a GP in a rich region in some foreign country just for an easy, rich life - my heart sinks a little. You must question who is more qualified and deserving? This pawn who cares more about money than the person he's treating or someone who has faced so much adversity and challenges to even attend an Australian university - someone who is grateful for what little he has and strives to be the best goddamn man he can everyday. They make you feel ungrateful for all the everyday things in life that you take for granted. Honestly, i think underdog stories get to me because even though life's so unfair, you still see people fighting and giving a big fat expletive against all odds.

I can only hope that the person i met gets what he wants because he honestly deserves it - maybe not because he right now has all the ability of the other affluent and engineered people - but because he has heart.

University study load piling up so bye.

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