
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"where's the moon? find it! so i can sing (michael buble) to it"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Month On

Well, it's hard to believe that it's almost been an entire month since i moved to this god-forsaken place and so much has already changed. It's like the saying goes - some are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them. Well i'd like to think i was born great all the time however the reality is that you only become great through experience - and of course, i'm exaggerating how much of a hole this place really is because honestly, you don't need to be too great to survive here, i mean i'm still (barely) alive.

The other day i played the most interesting game called "naughty" uno. You know, the card game where you place the same coloured or numbered card as the previous or attack people using +2 or +4 cards, the game where you shout "uno" as loud as possible so the table next to you dirty stare at you. Anyhow, this game had slightly modified rules: whenever you had to pick up a card, people get to ask you a question that you had to answer honestly. Yes, let's just say it was a great ice-breaker and soon enough everyone knew about everyone else's crazed stories over the years. Unfortunately these sort of games should definitely be played drunk because sober is just embarrassing as.

Another game i played was "how many 8am lectures can you miss in a week" and well, i think i might be able to go pro this week seeing how i'm just an expert through missing all my 8am lectures, actually all my first lectures of the entire week. Only truly skilled people can do that in my opinion. I can't even blame public transport or distance anymore since i live so close - i can only blame myself. Damn responsibility. I still haven't gotten used to having to clean up after myself quite yet, nor have all my assignments done on my own accord without any reminder except other colleagues screaming out in actual pain over how little they've done then continue procrastinating further.

Yes, a month on, in retrospect i haven't actually learnt too much - while i have gained experience, i still find myself unable to wake up early enough to make lectures, still find myself jobless and surviving on Red Rock Deli and Thai Sweet Chili chips as well as the university student's best friend, $2 double cheeseburgers and of course, still doing all my assignments last minute. I guess things never change.

Cleaning up my room so bye.

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