
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"there better be goods man otherwise i'm not going"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Holiday to home

They say it only takes two weeks to get used to something new in your life and i felt the full impact of this when i returned home for the semester break over the past three weeks. Quite strangely, it was getting used to something old in my life - the sights and sounds that i had grown accustomed to throughout my childhood were once again so ingrained in my routine for more than two weeks that it almost felt that i had never left, that i was home once again, but then reality hits and i'm back interstate for another semester of study.

The trip was almost like summer, a week working full-time juggling teaching school children maths all day, small chilled drink-ups and other misadventures all night, and my cold getting worse throughout whatever time was left along with no sleep. Again, it were those small things that made the trip great, no single event made it what it was and such was summer. No doubt this time there were rather memorable moments such as a friend's vomit out a train, a drunken night in a en-suite apartment we had for the night and the first time we ever left the casino all winning money (well most who stayed). But, it was not these moments but the small moments - talking all night in the car, chilling with old friends over a schooner, and having all the favourite food my mother makes, and so much more that made the trip so fantastic. It was a shame the trip to a friend's father's farm was cancelled but it did not prevent the holiday from being so good and just like everything, all good things must come to an end.

It was as though i hadn't left. That's what made it so much harder. I may have many more friends in the future, but i fear none will compare to the ones i still have back home. I finally know what my friend means by his statement that we shouldn't count our friends because in a life time, you only get a select handful, and you must treasure them.

I even joked once i returned that i needed time to mourn my loss and indeed, i'm feeling the full extent of that mourning right now - listening to the summer mix-tape my friend compiled that will no doubt, be continually consulted throughout the next few years, and even forever. I was surprised at the airport by my friends here, and it was really sweet - definitely the most touching act they've done so far. I feel like i have at least a few good friends here to rely on, but compared to an entire group, sometimes i feel bad that they can't compete. But, because of this i really didn't get a chance to because as soon as i knew it, i was back in a half-completed routine with tutoring, university, friends and responsibilities. I didn't have time for myself to simply reflect on what i had just gone through and so, perhaps rather disorientated, i cancelled my tutoring this morning and quit the firm that had been rather unhelpful anyway. I realised that i need time in my life simply to reflect and get some decent sleep, and even if that's just one morning a week, i'll be far more content than traveling three hours for around twenty dollars pay.

You think it gets easier - you would think that each trip back would be less of a toll, but i feel the same big piece of me being left behind every-time i leave, and only when i return can the entire me be able to rejoice in the simplest acts of friendship. You know, it's not like i don't have fun here interstate but somehow it all just seems more petty than back home. Not saying that it is because i know that my friends here have been more than helpful, nice and fun. This time would definitely be a lot tougher if not for my close friends here who are pretty much the only reason i get up the morning.

Going to play some sport after a month of inactivity, booze and junk food so bye.

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