
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"oh man, we're gonna get stabbed"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Monday, November 17, 2014

One Step at a Time

Just like that song by Jordin Sparks - "we live and we learn to take one step at a time", everything in life always starts with a single step. Before you know it, when you look back and realise that you have run a marathon (on my to-do list), finished an entire degree in university, continued a few years doing a hobby, and for me most recently, jogged every day for a month.

I think for someone like myself who looks into symbolisms in everything where they do not exist, this month of jogging has become not just an accomplishment that was on my "graduation to-do list" that I made but also a test on my own commitment and determination. There were late night 3am times, after crashing for 2 hours from a long day of the daily grind, that were really "struggle street". Those were the times I most wanted to give up but it was the thought that the x number of days that had passed already would be wasted if I just gave up then and there. And so I powered on getting a little faster and a little fitter in the process. There were days where I just knew I was going to get a better time and other times where my body just could not take the insult of jogging that same track day-in day-out and of course, there was the occasional time I would need to defecate, making the concentration on the clench so intense that my time slowed considerably.

If I learnt anything from this experience (which you hope to from anything that you do), is the same lesson that I can't stress enough to myself - that I can write down, plan to, and really wish to do things but if I don't do any real physical progress, they will forever remain as an unchecked item on a list. And that every action starts with a single step - this goal of mine a physical step indeed. But this rings true with any task we might have, whether it even starting off that hobby that you've always wanted by even doing something like starting an online course, or starting off in a beginner's class, I think we must move past the possible embarrassment and accept that although we are probably utterly hopeless at the start, before you know it, you will look back and be in awe about how far you have progressed.

So I'll keep it short and simply say that every great journey started with that first step out the door.

Enjoying post-examination lack of responsibilities so bye.

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