
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"you know warren buffet plays bridge"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


So in a last ditch effort to complete my "200 blog posts" in my graduation to-do list, I must sacrifice what little literary integrity I have, and resort to shorter and more frequent posts. Unfortunately, this will mean that my two google-bot readership will subsequently suffer. Yet while a picture tells a thousand words, how much can a single paragraph tell you?

What I found most interesting was that the other day, one of my ex-girlfriends managed to describe me in a single paragraph and it was shocking how accurate a few sentences can be - how fundamental they can be to who you are, and it left me wondering, could most people be summed up in a single paragraph? Can the crux of a person be reduced to a few words? I think this conjures ideas of artificial intelligence in that, one day, we might be able to produce a truly sentient personality, which essentially must be a few (hopefully a few million) lines of code on a computer.

As egotistical/humanist/centric I would love to be to say that humans are far complex creatures beyond anything else in the universe, sometimes I have the sobering realisation that inevitably we might be a bunch of behaviours/command functions, with a core paragraph or "cornerstone" that governs the rest of our personality. In the West World series that I've recently watched, a science-fiction Western which questions the basis of humanity, the humanoid robots all have a "cornerstone" memory that forms the basis of the rest of their programmed personality. Are we so dissimilar from this? Perhaps what shocked me was how eerily similar my ex-girlfriend's description to my "cornerstone" was.

The other idea it conjures is the realisation how much yourself you show to a partner even in the short time we dated. How much percentage of yourself do you think you show to those around you, your family, your friends and finally your partner? Clearly I felt like I showed a high, perhaps close to 100% of who I was. Or perhaps I am just a predictable person with obvious behaviours. Or perhaps I'm just a basic simpleton as I always feared.

As predicted by my paragraph, always pondering the ideas of intelligence, sentience, personality and what constitutes a person so bye.

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