
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"seriously don't lie - i feel like Othello betrayed by Iago man!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Friday, June 25, 2010

twelve angry men

Recently amidst all the chaos created by the upcoming English examination came arguments that were largely intriguing. The debate was between the inquisitorial and adversarial system, and which one brings upon the better 'truth'. Indeed this would remain one of the highlights of the week, for me as well as many others.

It would come to no surprise to many friends that i am never one to back down from a chance at argument (in fact it could be said discussions are attracted to me or the other way around). In an English double period which should have been better used studying for the upcoming assessment, two students debated over which system of 'justice' would bring upon greater 'truth' after an initial attack upon capitalism and its social injustice'. After a heated period it could be said both parties had strong arguments and the debate remains in recess. Nevertheless, i still believe twelve angry men is far more effective than one judge and am pro-adversarial.

Recently, i did rather terribly in the reports as did many of my fellow friends and so we decided to form a study group. Indeed it could be said that so called 'study' groups do anything but that, despite this common conception, i believe we can prove it wrong. An idea at the moment, we hope that together we will all at least better our previous results. "The group of underachievers" a name we deemed fit to describe our situation will hopefully become a potent force in the near future. Four angry men? Perhaps? Four capable men. Definitely.

Indeed i'm not one for politics but the dismissal or rather resignation of Kevin Rudd as prime minister must still be brought up. My personal opinion is that i actually have no idea what went on that brought upon his destruction and still continue attempting to loosely grasp the concepts of politics. I wonder if PMs (and presidents in fact anyone in power) do anything because it seriously does not make that make difference (perhaps it's because they're conservative or whatever they call it). Politics in my opinion is just another collective of men and women arguing over, at least sometimes, nothing.

It has been noted that i am one who argues over nothing and i agree. I believe the main reason is because it brings me some sort of happiness (no reference to American Dream which is now a dead topic therefore must be somewhat forgotten). Nevertheless twelve angry men is better than one judge and ironically its perhaps twelve angry men who have to even argue this point in an English class.
Eating chocolate mint (dark mint is the best type) drumsticks so bye.


  1. Inquisitorial system rocks, bro. Hopefully the rest of the term will be like those two English lessons. I have a lot of public outrage built up in me, and it needs some venting. IF YOU DO THAT "BAM! BAM! BAM!" THING AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU. NO FREAKIN' JOKE.

  2. OH YEAH! I forgot, Botong said something after Dr Du today: "Oh man, this chilli's hotness is juxtaposed against the cold!" XD
