
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"nice and crispy"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

of mice and men

The holidays have definitely started out with a bang. It began with a fun-filled Friday where Extreme Tennis Ball (XTB) and Extreme Eating (KFC) was the name of the game. Soon Saturday came and with it, an early morning of donating blood followed by a 4am religious debate later in the morning (possibly the lack of blood was accountable). Then ice-skating took its toll and Hyde Park proved itself to be as cold-hearted as ever in a session of chilling which found itself eventually in the warmth of Gloria Jeans. Indeed the holidays have definitely started but what "best laid schemes o’ mice and men" are in stall this July.

An interesting conversation happened the other day. A certain person had the name of a guy as her msn name which she explained to be her best friend’s name. “DOB” was written which she explained was an inside joke between her and her best friend and was the day “(they) both see as their birthday.” She remarked that she loved him like a “sister loves a brother”. I knew what she meant as i also come from a single-child family and so the closest sister and brother i have are my two best friends.

A life without companionship is a life half lived. This never occured to me more than ever than Saturday night. Of course happiness lies in the teh journey but this not a trip of materialism or of even quantifiable means, instead it is a fun filled rollercoaster of ups and downs. Sometimes it goes down but only to rise again but despite this, one thing never changes, there will always be people there with you on the rollercoaster. Of course the ride will eventually end after a few loops but the people in the ride will also be with you then as they always will have been.

“The rules of paradise are never nice, the best laid plans of mice and men are never right” but people will continue dreaming and being. Indeed some will get lost and discover their bread crumbs have been devoured by the monster that is fame (Alejandro makes absolutely no sense to me, does it to anyone?) and corporation. Nevertheless, in a forest obscured by skyscrapers, getting lost is easy, but there should always be friends to guide you. People always ask me why aggravation seems accustomed whenever a friend decides to not show up. The reason behind the madness is that person might just be lost in an illusion where all hope lies in anything but friends but is blinded to realise so.

Sorry about the rather “deep” post but so far the holiday’s commencement has brought along with it many epiphanies but i’m hopefully the remainder of the two weeks are mindless fun. Still, at the end of the day, it’s not the designer jacket, padded pants or gas guzzling heater that’s going to work. No it’s going to be the hug of a mother, the pat of a father, the cheer of friends, the touch of a lover and the warmth of another that prevents the winter chill blowing you away like the leaves of autumns past.

Sneezing my face (which is dry as hell) off so bye.

1 comment:

  1. gee just be as deep as hell why dont you :P
    good post though ahhhaa
