
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"look, just have some (goods)"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Monday, July 19, 2010

deja vu

The end of holidays remain a foreboding time where laziness creeps out showing itself in its most potent form. Indeed it feels like deja vu in that previous events feel as though they are yet again unfolding. Perhaps it's just the psychological phenomena that occurs due to one side of the brain thinking out of sync with the other or perhaps events are occurring yet again.

With two holidays (including the day left of the current) left until the eventual doom that many deem Year 12, it would, as previously stated, seem wise for all to enjoy whatever it is that makes them happy. Indeed on the last two days of the second last holidays i would expect more people to jump up at the idea of fun. Of course, in true deja vu fashion, everyone is again occupied with work and other commitments. It would seem i'm merely whinging about the fact that no one will accompany me but the thing is that perhaps deja vu does give you thing, a second chance. This time, unlike last, i'm not going to bitch and try to force people to do things unwillingly, rather i'll let people be and i'll do things that make me happy with, or without companionship.

That's not the only thing that has developed in the last few days of holidays for sometimes deja vu may just be reminiscing on moments that have passed. Even for that brief second of recollection you almost believe you were back, that fantasy and reality may just be one, but of course, truth hits. The other day, i read a piece of writing i wrote two years ago detailing a somewhat traumatic event and it remained largely evoking. Indeed, i had always passed it off as mere ranting, but it actually meant much more. Such events unfolded yet again these holidays but the crisis was somewhat resolved and i was given, some would say, a third chance.

Someone today showed me photos of them and a loved one and indeed it reminded me that photographs remain something truly remarkable. Memories are ever so precious in a world that everyday steers closer to responsibility, corporations and the capitalist monster. Sometimes i enjoy sitting down, and just scrolling through photos because they remain evidence to something truly great, the ignorant bliss of childhood. That's why i presume photos are so popular because humans always enjoy living in the past as pitiful as it sounds, perhaps it's the past that allows people to continue into the future

Maybe it's the analysis of Toy Story 3, or the extra time i have because i am actually attempting to study (consequently procrastinating) but memories are truly brilliant. Deja vu isn't just the feeling of thinking something already happened, it's daydreaming into a blue sky, reminiscing on photos taken and simply connecting with something we all probably lost along the way, be it a friend or idea.

Trying to edit another 3000 word essay so bye.


  1. Quotes from the infamous Mr Cheng:

    1."Most people say 'I would tap that', but you see, I would say 'I would GIRLFRIEND that!'"
    - Mathematics, today.

    2.*Puts gum down pants*
    "Oh shit... Its stuck in my pubes!"
    *Grabs scissors*
    "Miss! Can I go to the toilet?"
    - Chinese, year 8 (good times).

  2. Hey listen. ive been following your blog for a while and i would just like to say that it is quite good. it expresses what i beleieve to be your feelings quite well and you shouldnt let these other commentors get you down.
