
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"how do you get crispy bacon?"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

yes man

As i predicted, these days have proved to be as interesting as ever but maybe for the wrong reasons. These holidays have definitely shone a light on things that perhaps were best left undiscovered. Indeed i am one who preaches the motto of "why not" in answer to questions of social events but yet i find myself writing on my blog on a Thursday afternoon because i too have fallen victim to sloth. No is so easy to say, but it takes a lot more to say yes man, i'll be there.

Of course sometimes the problem lies not in saying yes or no but rather saying yes to what. None other than yesterday did this problem reach its climax of which i probably didn't handle the best i could. Indecisive in nature, whenever two different opportunities present themselves, i just seem to make stupid choices. Nevertheless i somewhat ditched someone important for someone else whose schedule made their appearance much more important. Of course, i am never a good judge of importance and in such pursuits; i may have just ruined something truly happy. That's life i guess, sometimes you've got to make choices and as long as you don't regret what you did then you've made the right one even if it means you did something stupid.

Yesterday, one of my friends met another who came across as a rather innocent girl. Yet funnily enough, she wanted to experiment with alcohol and drugs which i found rather ironic. That friend of mine did ask the reasons behind such unconventional behaviour and warned her that she shouldn't lest she become dependent on things that aren't exactly the most beneficial in the world. Despite this, she continued and her first time of drinking was yesterday. Maybe a few years down the track, that girl might regret what she did today or maybe she might not. The important lesson comes in deciding whether to say no or say yes.

I find myself yet again unable to make morning training sessions. In the holidays where sleeping in is so much easier which little consequences of the action, the temptation is far too great (one could say inversely proportional to the temperature). Yet despite the ideals that training are perhaps the biggest killer or rather waste of the holidays, it's rather ironic that instead i'm merely sleeping in, doing nothing. So the question remains why i would rather spend my holidays sleeping instead of running around with friends. I vow now i will go to every training session next week because if i don't the hypocrisy of my entire way of life will be overwhelming. Friends always say "no man" to every suggestion i present and it always annoys me. Yet how can i talk when i too am negative in respects to training. The real motivation behind going out in the holidays is simply "yes man" because friends are simply more important than sleeping in, studying and lazing around at home.

At the end of the holidays many people either say it was good or say it was shit. Yet, such is not dependent on what they did, or even what sort of people they did it with. The deciding factor is how many times they said "yes man" to friends when requested to hang out. In most cases, those who said no and did nothing at home are more than likely to have a bad holiday than those who simply said yes. You know what, this holidays will be good from here on end, simply because yes.

Watching some inspirational midday B grade movie so bye.

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