
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"there better be goods man otherwise i'm not going"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

toy story 3

I know it's a little cheap to use a movie i just saw as the title of this blog entry but whatever. Indeed the past few days have been interesting as previously prophesied. Of course, i did manage to wake up for Melbourne somehow despite the 530am wake up. The three days that elapsed over there were at least somewhat interesting despite a frigid (can i even use it in this context?) billet. Back in Sydney though things became just as interesting.

I admit i just may have overused the word 'interesting' to get people who actually read this interested more so in what i have to say. Melbourne was damn cold but surprisingly not as cold as predicted. Winning 73 to nil definitely was a change for High Rugby but nonetheless, the trip started then ended with very little in between. Unfortunately while most of the team were getting wasted in some way or form in the city, two (of which one includes me) were at billet's house doing nearly not as exciting things. Of course, i did finish The Hurt Locker (damn good movie), as well as watch other movies, but still it makes you ponder what might've happened.

Definitely all-nighters are tougher than they have ever been with the finals of the World Cup being at a lazy 430am. Nevertheless i pulled through the hardship of hours of scorelessness (in usual soccer fashion) but still felt somewhat unsatisfied at the 1-0 result despite a zillion yellow cards and hilarious tackles into chests. Of course, not everyone could stay awake (most would know the person who slept and could never get up) but the all-nighter did eventually end in a morning Maccas run, lots of Korean music and of course a great slumber of around sixteen hours.

With one training done this week as per my vow mentioned in my previous post. Indeed i believe the next one will be difficult without sixteen hours of sleep to assist the waking up. Hopefully though, i'll still make it so i don't miss out on even more important things that usually follow a boring training session, that is Toy Story 3. It was indeed a worthy movie "i waited eleven years for...". It had in all true Disney Pixar fashion, a deep meaning behind its 3D CGI graphic masterpiece, one that has already been prescribed by another friend. Instead of repeating his words, i'll rather say the friends i viewed it with were fun-filled much like the rest of the day. With the day starting and finishing so late though, the main event would be dinner which was cut short due to parental issues with staying out late. Now seriously, with year twelve around the corner, you would think people would be either old enough to do something later or guilt tripping their parents to let them do more things later (since it's nearly the last holidays of carefree) then maybe it's just my whinging complex again.

Being almost 1am means that i cannot be bothered writing much more but i will leave with one idea aspired by Toy Story 3 and already mentioned by another friend: we're growing up so fast, should we not savour what's left of our childhood or rather adolescence? Since year twelve normally spells study only and no social life should we not indulge in simple child like things that we love so much? Essentially we should just take an active role in enjoying life whether it be at an age of child or adolescent or even 50 year old midlife crisis man because that phase just might pass before you know it. So far these holidays at least, i'm enjoying it.

Going to sleep cause hell i need to wake early so bye.

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