Armed with just enough money to sneak past the concierge with the help of the cheaper Tuesday movie scheme i managed to watch a movie that was sure to be relate-able titled Easy A. Sure enough a teenage-angst-filled void of intelligence was in stall. But in a rare Hollywood event, (almost as rare as a non Scientologist) Easy A was a lot more than expected and i don't just mean in terms of more nude teenage women and their over-development for their age in the chest region. No, Easy A was actually an insight into a teenage genre long forgotten since days of the first American Pie and before generations of the idiotically unsubtle name of "stifflers". Before proceeding, i have to say to indicate the level of bias my opinions contain as i am an avid B-grade American movie fan and would prefer a two hour fest of idiotic love triangles involving a loser, a star quarterback and an incredibly non robust (but extra-bust) young actress, over an rhapsodic foreign masterpiece often shown on SBS that is critically acclaimed (another word for boring) any day but Easy A was much more than that.
How many Pixar films have won awards? The animation industry is buzzing with technological progressions never before seen. The latest 3D gear is ready to distribute more genius lined cash cows with initiative engineering and incredible CGI. Besides the added fee to see such incredibly real life images of talking toys or smurfs, one must ask where has the good old fashioned real life drama involving real kids? The ones that aren't just a two hour orgasm of cats and dogs solving the sexual tension disguised as hatred (Cats&Dogs 2 is on the Top 100 WORST movies of all time-IMDB). Sure you have the works of another bad remake of a book involving some kid in middle school going through puberty that for me drew parallels to the character in Home Alone. Sure you have a child icon that confuses the audience by not breaking out in song and dance, and also playing baseball instead of basketball. You have all these terrible things, but guess what? You also have Easy A. A decent length movie about teenage issues without 100% guaranteed more wit, more intelligence, more class than any other movie of its genre.
Easy A gave critics something to talk about besides the latest installment a gay sparkling vampire, a tattooed girl, and a one-role-only actor known as the famed wizard boy. Perhaps we don't have to endure through another series of ironically named movies that are not scary at all and can meet more than just recycled jokes. Easy A sparks the beginning of a revitalisation of an entire stream of movies that both children and children-at-heart will enjoy without having to hear another sexual innuendo that really is just soft-core pornography wrapped in a MA15+ rating. Although i'm sure many readers wouldn't mind the latter.
If you scrolled down to see the point of all this, the message is clear. Watch Easy A. It's a goddamn good movie and probably the most relate-able, critically acclaimed, best bang for buck and still retains enough nudity to be enticing. Worth every dollar spent, and also cheaper because it's not in shitty 3D which if any sane person had a choice, would not pay 2934349 dollars more for. Screw the fact that it is an adaption of the Scarlett Letter, or that the boyfriend looks like Dan Humpfrey, or that it's framed in the future, or is a story of self-sacrifice and discovery of self-worth (which after watching Titanic and Saving Private Ryan, notice is no longer a coincidence). Watch it because it's a damn good movie.
Eating so many eggs (insert humpty dumpty joke here) cause i'm vegetarian for a while (if two weeks counts as a while) so bye.
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