
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"nice and crispy"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

End of an Era

So this is it. I've finally decided to cease yet another phase in my life - a phase consisting of sports betting. Many may go well, finally common sense prevails, others such as me and fellow betters might be more melancholy. In any case, for at least another six months, i cannot sports bet which given my age is probably more legal anyway.

The last ever cricket season just ended and although training was often more fun than work, and games much the same, it feels as though a part of my identity has somewhat perished into the sands of age. It was a good season, all but one loss and a few ties here and there, but the friends you make along the way are more important than all those runs and wickets.

Now it's time for Rugby and still Gridiron season. Soon those will end and so will school. I guess there's no point moping about the inevitable, but better to enjoy it while you can and go ahead, smash Grammar, smash Sydney Uni, and win at least a game or two in the progress.

Reminiscing on memories past so bye.

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