
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"Oh man, this chilli's hotness is juxtaposed against the cold!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Every now and then people stop in the bustling nine-to-five and simply reflect on what they've become. Sure enough, some people realise they've put on a few pounds,some have become real unfit, and some have become a real ass. Others however will come to realise how far they've come, and how yesterday defined who they are today, and how today will define the future. The war bigger than Jesus (ie Heaven vs Hell), Optimism vs Pessimism.

Glass half-empty, glass half-full, he loves me, he loves me not. At the end of the day, when it really comes down to it, the glass is just half, and he just loves: it's all about free choice. Not some retarded fatalism crap where everything is predetermined, and nothing is for sure. How do i know this? I recently lost a multi-bet where one of the legs had 1.18 odds. Thanks to John Isner, and the fact there is no such thing as a sure thing, i lost a lot of money. In any case, the reason i am writing this blog post-other than sheer boredom, is that the other night i was shuffling through my box of memories which is called so because of its box like structure and its contents filled with old crap that you would see in the garbage tip but of course, totally non-perishable (with the exception i left a sandwich rotting there for three months back as a child). It contained many objects i held dearly, and i was reading up all the stupid things i wrote or received over the years and it made my happy. Sure part of it was because i realised how less of a dork i was, and also partially because of the memories in my mind it conjured. Of times of greatness, and the circle of thought normally sounds like a preschool girl: That was so fun! Today is boring! But i can still make today fun! Today will be fun!

I also managed to spectate a young women's basketball match the other day after band because of a unfulfilled promise from aeons ago. Unfortunately they lost. It was fun though: all forty minutes of watching them lose. Despite all the encouragement involved in simply participating, that's what losers say. Winning is still the best feeling. Which brings me to my cricket team still being undefeated despite a front batting order collapse of which i scored a measly 5. Oh, and i joined UTS Gridiron.

Had more to say but maths early tomorrow morning means sleep so bye.

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