
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"you know warren buffet plays bridge"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Now alongside certain fantasies that probably shouldn't be disclosed on such a family friendly blog, i recently have also had dreams of anxiety. Those ones where you're giving a speech and somehow you forgot to dress yourself properly, ending up in just your embarrassing underwear, yes one of those.

It's perfectly natural for people to dream in fact studies have shown it helps cognitive recovery but nightmares often aren't so productive. Nowadays it means waking at an ungodly hour with it being difficult to return to sleep, at least they aren't as bad as those dreams in the suburb of flushing meadows back as a child.

All this fortune teller mumbo-jumbo about how dreams represent something greater is sometimes true. Yes i am starting to believe, often a dangerous thing to do especially in one's anticipated ability to do things involving any form of hand-eye coordination. I've been having dreams about my academic demise and by some freak accident, this has transferred to reality.

My dream of failing English so hard that i received a official warning ended up transferring itself to a extremely poor performance in English and my dream of sitting the UMAT and not being able to answer questions confidently and efficiently transferred to missing more than ten questions in one section. So now i have two options, to put work into my academic prowess or somehow make my dreams more fantasy-like. Yes i refer to both options: the G graded (A technically) one about study and the X-rated one as well. If only either were actually possible.

Planning for the foreshadowed future so bye.

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