
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"hey just tell me... how big (making actions while referring to girl's bust)"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Now normally i'm more subtle in the messages i try to convey here but at the climax of a year of schooling there is only one way to do this. As Homer Simpson once said "there's the right way, the wrong way and there's my way" "isn't that the wrong way?" "yeah, but quicker". Belonging to me, is best expressed in two simple words: Bull Shits. Why the 's'? well to say it was just one would be an understatement plus since it now has nine letters, one could easily say that because 'belonging' has nine letters that they are directly correlated.

Honestly, the topic of 'belonging' in the Board of Studies is not to mention tedious mind-numbingly bad but also is the most ambiguous and irrelevant topic i've ever studied. The reason is because all texts are ultimately about trying to find a place in a certain world, therefore a topic on all texts in known existence would have to be ambiguous and as a result of this, also irrelevant. However besides these thoughts on the studied topic of belonging i have personal beliefs that what actually constitute belonging.

Belonging is simply expression, the expression of one's ideals therefore it is rather unnecessary to dedicate an entire two hour exam to it because a better topic that covers a specific purpose would satisfy both this expression and also learning something half-productive. Belonging is not owning a card that says 10% off Chatime, or having caps photos (although you would be reinforcing a stereotype). It is about truly connecting with an ideal in its greatest sense and believing in it so much that you have to be arrogant. Belonging is not a job or career or even status in society, it is one's status in one's self-awareness of existence. Even with all this said, no-one even Board of Studies knows what belonging truly means. Therefore i believe there are two options: A: give me an 100% mark just 'cause or B: get a better topic. A better topic suggestion with similar attributes (ie. trying to invigorate thoughts on one's place/existence in the world) would include: Plato's allegory of the cave or equivalent, how to write any Romantic Comedy, how to look in a mirror or "How to lose friends and alienate people" also commonly known as Emily Dickinson's whining.

Trying to study 'Belonging' but clearly procrastinating so bye.

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