
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"hey, hey, hey (insert bad comeback here)"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Still just a small weekling at my new life

So it's hard to believe that just a week has passed so far since i moved interstate to chase my dream and well, i suppose i have already changed a lot - i mean i have met more people in my last week than i have for six years but such a move does demand such a shift in outlooks. Pretty much, i have decided that clubbing and partying is definitely not my thing, that women are very mean when they try to be, i'm a socially awkward turtle a lot of the time and that it takes a lot of effort to retain friends. Now with my entire week pretty much recounted in a nutshell, we can move on to something i suppose i should explain - the reasons why i actually want to take up a profession that kills your life as you spend every hour studying or working, i should explain why i want to become a doctor.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

University Level Personal Hygiene

Now it's a generally accepted part of a struggling povo university student lifestyle that your staple food is probably Mi Goreng, the hours you're most alive are actually around midnight, and you probably run on energy drinks so much that your entire bloodstream is actually guarana and caffeine. Never have i thought it to be so extreme that my actual method of brushing my teeth is chewing Wrigley's Active Gum.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Public Goods

Well here i am in a library in Queensland stealing free wireless internet and honestly, over the past two days since i got here on the 19th morning, i have learnt that public goods are the greatest inventions ever. Oh, and any other freebies you can score over the place.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It's been ages since i last posted that's because i've been under a lot of stress and change recently. Basically in order to accomplish my dream of becoming a doctor, i must leave all that i love dearly to move to Queensland. Fatalism is a quite a weird thing to believe in if you do - to think all these decisions have all been predetermined and everything has a greater purpose is quite hard to fathom. Another interesting idea is that there is actually "fatal" in the word, and right now, the blows whoever determines such fatalism pathways has given have made me not only question the world around me, but also taught me more in the past few weeks about moving on, and coping with change than i have ever learnt in my life.