
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"man i can take 9 easy!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Public Goods

Well here i am in a library in Queensland stealing free wireless internet and honestly, over the past two days since i got here on the 19th morning, i have learnt that public goods are the greatest inventions ever. Oh, and any other freebies you can score over the place.

Well of course, who can deny that public transport may not work well, but at least it works, that is, it can get you from one place to another eventually. What more can you ask honestly? I also have never appreciated freebies such as water until now - when you're a poor university student - bubblers are a near god-send especially in this heat. But enough boasting about how public goods are the way to go - i've scored a few freebies over the past two days: i've scored free lunch at a "welcome lunch" for a college i'm not a part of, i've technically scored free dinner and a free place to stay off a friend, and of course, now i'm getting free internet. In any case, this whole experience has made me appreciate the importance of public goods such as the library - where one can escape the fires of my current hell (Brisbane) into air-conditioning, a comfortable chair and finally some free time to update my blog.

As for people i've met, well, none of them have really had any potential to be friends but they have been interesting nonetheless: i met a German engineer and an Australian warehouse worker last night at the motel which made for some interesting information about the coldness of Germany and how engineering works. I met a Singaporean studying Law, who told of compulsory conscription in his home country and a lot about the military of both Singapore and Australia (and how the tiny country of Singapore was doing "Forward Defense" as a strategy and had the same troop count as Australia). I hope i will soon meet other people around my life experience level and interests otherwise i'll be stuck talking to interesting randoms here in Queensland until my course finishes.

About to evaluate a new train system so bye.

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