
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"hey it's ms chen (young attractive student teacher). hee hee hee hee!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


The past few months have honestly been a journey experiencing the many dimensions of life itself. As I sit here on the banks of the Brisbane river starting into the skyline of the city, thousands of thoughts occur.

To think about places is interesting. As a sentimental person I associate places with events and people. For me this patch of dirt is not merely a position expressed as coordinates in longitude and latitude on a GPS, or merely a space in our three dimensional universe because for me, it represents a small piece of my soul that I have chosen to leave there to be. For a long time now, I have cherished in exploring and finding places to unwind and I think I haven't sat down in a very long time. This place reminds me of the place back in Hurstville, here I am with my feet dangling off the side of a man-made rock face into an extremely polluted river, the loud expressway across with commuters racing any and everywhere in a haste, and the footsteps of many other souls finding their safe place behind. Yet somehow in all this chaos there lies a beautiful serenity. Despite the movement and sounds, there stands a cityscape still and ever so silent. The currents moving through the rays of sun colliding with rock along the bank.

Another thought is the different ways we interpret the world around us. I see the high definition edges of the skyscrapers and cranes in front of me with each edge generating geometric shapes of all sorts. It truly is an intricate tapestry of colours and textures from the weathered sandstone to the polished chrome finish. I realise that I work in contrasts, in my writing. I use these shapes, these symbols of language to recreate such moments forever. Yet i know other friends who synthesis such in completely different modes. I know one who would sketch with her eager eyes and black tipped marker the curvature of the city. Each window, each wall as intricate as any other. Or perhaps one friend who would capture such beauty through the receptors at the end of his lens. Tweaking complex settings and knobs to capture every grain, every single photon of this moment. The exact wavelengths compiled into a single frame. Or maybe he will capture the movement using many of these frames - each one slightly different from the last. Another friend passes through my mind, one who would use rhythm and pitch to savour this moment. Every small clap by the waves a guide for the melody of the cars. Indistinguishable speech and footsteps accents and embellishes his song.

I think all of this highlights the beauty of humanity - our struggle to understand the world and express it each in our own ways. Whether your instrument is your pen or your canvas is a digital photo frame or the many combinations of expression - each is equally true in capturing this moment in time, this otherwise insignificant moment. For me, I choose to use my pen and paper to simply sit, experience with all my senses, live and breathe life.

Relaxing away with days until a big test I haven't started studying for so bye.

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