
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"Chocolate and Vanilla don't mix, but Banana goes well with Vanilla (referring to why he should be with the girl he stalks)"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

age and agenda

Sometimes things change as your age changes such as your attitudes and activities. Your consumer sovereignty might change (thanks to economics) but some things just never change. I never really knew what this meant, then again being only a ripened age of sixteen, this fact hasn't really crossed my mind until recently.

Now i've never been one to discount my group's intense favour in activities involving strenuous movement of only your hands. Of course such activities have wasted countless hours, and by my recent check-up of how close i am to becoming an unaccepted VIP member of I-Star, also $170 and counting. What is the excuse for such? At the end of the day, i have dark past that only few people know of: a history of gaming addiction involving clicking ores from 10 in the morning till 4 the next morning. Indeed, the other day this addiction reached its peak while playing through one and a half hour epic battle with two other fellow sad cases on Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion (which i spent hours in my childhood perfecting).

With all the bad news out of the way, the good news is that along with the final gruelling examination done and dusted, i now have time to write more blog entries. As well, i can also reinvigorate my deceased passion of cooking, particularly the style of baking. It is the extra time along with my mother insisting i have practice living alone for a month before she leaves on a two week vacation to China. The real reason of enjoyment in such "girly" things such as cooking is that in essence, it represents coming of age, which as unfortunate in its appearance (especially on days with school, sport and weights), is nonetheless exciting.

A certain friend has decided that it's best that he give up his secret agenda: the pursuit of an individual because of the fear that a syndrome (which plagued for a year) will re-emerge. Of course, i have no say in my group's decisions involving the opposite sex but if you never take chances, you will never get romance, or an enhance in your pants (that was bad but thanks anyway rhymezone.com never gonna let you down [could reference certain popular song]). This statement is valid for most decisions in life, although it's best not to take my gambling advice (due to a arbitrarily-diagnosed addiction) but sometimes in aspects of life, you just got to take chances.

With an increasing age, some things might change, some things might not change but one agenda stays the same. An agenda to enjoy life whatever that means, and for me in the past two days, it meant reminiscing on times past and practicing for the journeys ahead.

Left-over-creating the awesome pasta i made today and cleaning the dishes (threes days in and already dreading it) so bye.

1 comment:

  1. paragraph 4 blew my mind. ha.ha.ha.


    "it meant reminiscing on times past and practicing for the(teh) journeys ahead."

