
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"oh man, we're gonna get stabbed"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

human centipede (first sequence)

Now it's been a while since i last posted, mainly because i am having far too much fun in the absence of my mother (who is enjoying herself in China). Now since school has started, the same problems plaguing me last term are yet again re-emerging despite vows (which obviously don't work.) Last week i found myself on top of one of the most calming places in Sydney as dubbed by me. Indeed this was much of the dismay of just being on top of things in life.

Monday, July 19, 2010

deja vu

The end of holidays remain a foreboding time where laziness creeps out showing itself in its most potent form. Indeed it feels like deja vu in that previous events feel as though they are yet again unfolding. Perhaps it's just the psychological phenomena that occurs due to one side of the brain thinking out of sync with the other or perhaps events are occurring yet again.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

toy story 3

I know it's a little cheap to use a movie i just saw as the title of this blog entry but whatever. Indeed the past few days have been interesting as previously prophesied. Of course, i did manage to wake up for Melbourne somehow despite the 530am wake up. The three days that elapsed over there were at least somewhat interesting despite a frigid (can i even use it in this context?) billet. Back in Sydney though things became just as interesting.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

yes man

As i predicted, these days have proved to be as interesting as ever but maybe for the wrong reasons. These holidays have definitely shone a light on things that perhaps were best left undiscovered. Indeed i am one who preaches the motto of "why not" in answer to questions of social events but yet i find myself writing on my blog on a Thursday afternoon because i too have fallen victim to sloth. No is so easy to say, but it takes a lot more to say yes man, i'll be there.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

of mice and men

The holidays have definitely started out with a bang. It began with a fun-filled Friday where Extreme Tennis Ball (XTB) and Extreme Eating (KFC) was the name of the game. Soon Saturday came and with it, an early morning of donating blood followed by a 4am religious debate later in the morning (possibly the lack of blood was accountable). Then ice-skating took its toll and Hyde Park proved itself to be as cold-hearted as ever in a session of chilling which found itself eventually in the warmth of Gloria Jeans. Indeed the holidays have definitely started but what "best laid schemes o’ mice and men" are in stall this July.