
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"man you gotta catch my bus. (why?) cause its all full of losers! man i dominate them! in talking to girls."

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Sorry that i have not been able to write in a few days as i have been relaxing up at the central coast the past few days of easter. now this time alone (solitary was never good for anyone) has got me thinking about real deep things. such as change.
You can talk about physical changes such as the sun rising in the morning then setting at dusk. you can talk about technical changes such as the sun rise at exactly 6:11am tomorrow, setting at 5:44pm, and on Thursday rising at 6:12am, setting at 5:43pm. you can talk about psychological changes such as daylight savings which recently was reversed giving me an extra hour of sleep which anyone would appreciate. you can talk about literal changes such as sol (i somehow still remember my fail latin) changing into sun when english became prevalent. you can talk about many changes, but the one thing that won't change is the fact that i won't wake up in time tomorrow to see the sun rise nor the Rugby training that is really more like a 7am-2pm job.

Recently i had a fallout with a good friend and her friend whom i had an eye on. the reason i gave was that people change. sometimes apart. sometimes together. sometimes for the best. sometimes for the worst. of course this time it was apart. for the best. but she didn't get that. she couldn't accept the facts. she couldn't accept change. she believed she was in a dream world where everything's perfect and everything has a destined path. life is not a destined path with a set destination. it's a journey best enjoyed not thinking about the destination. reminds me of topgear of which they raced with one fuel tank to a destination 750mi away. the one who took it seriously, cruising at boringly slow speeds, listening to the sound of cars racing by and in a hot car did not make it. the one who enjoyed the trip, speeding along the motorway, radio full blast and air conditioning the empty passenger seat did. sorry for the random change to topgear. or should i be sorry? rhetorical questions suck.

People change. friendships change. relationships change. life changes. deal with it.