
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"intense pasta sauce"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Friday, April 16, 2010


It is the time of the month it seems for many of my male friends. manstrations are terrible little things which cause many to stay at home out of embarrassment. trying to organise to do the littest of things become hard. however unlike women who become irritable and difficult, men become boring and difficult. they choose to pretend. to lie. to alienate. they believe they are doing work of some productivity. they lie about the importance of events that might not exist. they alienate people staying in their rooms stroking objects of importance to them. i am not preaching that staying at home is necessarily a bad thing or a uncommon thing. rather i am saying that with three days of the holidays left, pride, glory, deception, hateship is best left aside. the process of enjoying the last of autumn holidays is far more concerning.

Excuse me for the lack of belief in logic utilised in creating such decisions as sacraficing an entire holidays of two weeks for one night of brutal idiocy. some excuses like a relative's illness or once-off visitation. a emergency involving an important event of the sporting kind. the pursuit of enlightenment through a chance at winning a bet involving getting laid before the end of the year. all such excuses are valid. however pretending to stay at home while attempting work instead finding themselves on a social networking site. believing that they've had enough when in reality could do so much more these holidays. simply the three letters everyone uses because they actually have boring lives but refuse to excite it. cbb. it is this invalid reasoning that creates spawns of anti-socials and mobs of idiots who believe that the world benefits through ignorance, sloth and idiocy.

The difference however between my friends and conservative politicans is that they can actually solve the problem concerning their group by not making excuses. and actually have half a functioning brain if they just tried.


  1. have a cry why don't you? lol
    leon: i'm a bitch cause none of my friends think going out with me is more important than their own shit, i should be most important, oh wtf no one agrees? i'll just put theres 3 days of holidays left so people might agree, nope not working ok whatevs

    you got lawyer-ed.

  2. ahah thanks for the constructive criticism i guess my blog was written when i was most pissed alright sorry
    @jonson it's not going out with me, its going out as a group. i originally thought botong would like to go out only to find out he traded it all for easter show. btw i don't know your situation because you ill-explained it to me. but if staying at home is what you truly want then sorry for causing you trouble.

    @derek i'm not saying im right or wrong. despite what you think i write my blog not for you guys to listen, it's simply to voice my freedom of speech. i don't know what i'm talking about but that's the beauty of blogging unlike an newspaper article. i don't have to be right or know anything. what is "giving a fuck"? making an account and commenting on something i wrote is clearly not giving a fuck. in fact i don't give so much fuck i'll comment right now to disprove what you just said. you can also not give a fuck by writing below and dissing this comment if you want. btw i can whinge in this comment box just like you as well.

  3. tough break man...
    srsly guys we're all bro's why do you wanna argue jeez... fking everyone chill the fuck out and put this shit behind us, this is technically leon's blog just let him post w/e he wants and if you disagree with topic's he puts forth just let it be
    as the almight trent from punchy says - just fucking relax eh

  4. Who is iMiss?? And massive lol at derek and hi. Soz for the chime!
