
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"hey it's ms chen (young attractive student teacher). hee hee hee hee!"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sometimes we are all overwhelmed by the pressure of the bustling world of which we try but fail to understand. some turn to new experiences to numb the realisation. some turn to current problems and try to solve them. some turn all the way around back to previous memories.

For some people let their minds return to the good old days. days of ignorant bliss. days of sunset tinged park grass. days of worrying about one thing. days of cricket and rugby at the park. days of carefree banter between friends. days of bitch-less interaction amongst classroom students. essentially every time i walk down a certain path to return home i do something most would describe as childish and climb upon one certain ledge fencing the grass of the apartment situated at the corner. this personally takes me back. it returns me to the better days.

The funny thing though is that most people can not wait to grow up. to have commitments. to have money. to have a career. to have a car. to have a mortgage. to get married. to have kids. to have bills. to have freedom. but the only time we are truly free is the day we are born. A certain friend returns through his previous tight friendships. another through his not-at-all-evil-genius childhood of causing mayhem. another through playing games including runescape. for most people return to the good times.

My step-dad taught me that if you wanted to post something for free you could just write return to sender and put the return address as the recipient then not attach a postage stamp. such is for life. sometimes to go forward you must return to sender. whether that sender be your naive idiot year three. socially awkward puberty starting year six. or the still socially awkward sad case year eleven. maybe in two years time the recipient will finally be done with the hsc returning to memories lived today. but only you can make them good today.

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