
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"there better be goods man otherwise i'm not going"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have not been able to write to you the past few days because of many reasons. after reading this it might become clear why.

Every year countless hopefuls set out on new year resolutions believing they can change one thing about them. sometimes you hear the cliched ones like losing weight. styling better. being more popular. doing more work. yet it are these cliched ones which most people succeed the least in for most hope that a new year alone can resolve chronic problems. the answer is to get more realistic. things like walk somewhere everyday as opposed to jog. go on a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet (which never works). try getting one more friend as opposed to trying to convince the entire school that you're actually not a wanker.

Last monday morning i managed to find myself in a rather unpleasant position for the night before was the afters of the easter show. now imagine. a case and a bottle of spirit. a empty room. all your mates. a lot of spare time. not much consequence. let's just say it didn't end in a good sunny morning of joy. needless to say i vowed never to touch the bottle until rugby season finishes at the least.

Vows are used throughout life often as a lie. as a truth. through happiness. through anger. they are used in marriages to symbolise a idealic belief in eternal happiness through love. they are used by hateful people who despise in reality themselves but must find comfort through vowing the destruction of another human. they are also used by idiots who've had enough with the concept of waking up the next day feeling like crap as a result of putting poision through their body.

Next time you vow something, or mind-write a NTS remember. get realistic otherwise you'll find yourself in the same place you were the year before. a lonely fat loser who stays at home writing blogs late at night instead of sleeping.
ps. it's actually a lot of people. not just me.

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