
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"i only read like two books on warren buffet"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


"What the fuck?" the truth is everyone including me has asked this question at least once in our lives. it is the beauty of humanity that allows one to question what is the status quo, what is the meaning of life and what is the reason i'm even writing this blog as we speak.

"What is the meaning of life?" how many wasted hours with religions believing they have the answer to the meaning of life with an omnipotent omnipresent entity known as god. how many wasted lives with the battles between religions over their so called right way to a certain enlightenment whether that be bliss, heaven or some other afterlife. how many wasted words in philosophy books on existentialism, nihilism and anybigwordplusism. how many wasted minds of philosophy that could have further advanced human's current living situation instead of advancement in the thinking of what could be. how much wasted energy we spent asking "what if?" on the train better spent discussing "reeking" things.

"What is the reason it is so?" a increasingly capitalist economy with a parliamentary democratic government system based on a constitutional monarchy. a increasingly ethnically diverse populated city and surrounding suburbs with a rather unreliable train system based on a failed mytransport scheme. a increasingly average family with a conventional hierarchy system based on two working parents. a increasingly headache-causing blog with no easy solving system based on too much time.

The answer to all the above questions is simple. the meaning of life is to live. the reason it is so is because. the ultimate answer. 42. or rather "who gives a fuck". now i'm going to get an ice-cream.

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