
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng


if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

nirvana and marijuana

With the lights out, it's less dangerous so come as you are, as you were, as i want you to be. Everyone remembers the grunge band Nirvana with the lead singer tragically dying due to a suicide (or many other conspiracy theories out there). They spoke ironically of a life that was far from the Buddhist ideal of Nirvana for they sang of angst, alienation and apathy. Maybe it is impossible for most people to acheive such sense of enlightenment but most people continue to try because just being close to true happiness is enough in my opinion.

The problem is, with life always putting another hurdle for you to attempt to jump over, you are always scared you'll face plant and won't be good enough. Recently, a friend had a problem with small talking with the opposite sex. He almost compared attempting to talk with a chore or task much like a maths exercise. Now sometimes you just have to keep pushing on otherwise how will things ever improve. Practice makes perfect: even in this lame example the saying rings true.

Another friend also has a problem with insecurity and taking intiative. Life's (teh) journey is always full of wonderful unknown things and it is natural to be scared of the unknown (hence why darkness is a popular phobia). However if you diverge or run away from each spectacular scary problem then you'll never experience what could have been something trully magnificent. Everyone should try their best to take intiative and tackle undisclosed desires (in your heart - MUSE) and fears otherwise you might end up lost, wondering what went wrong and what could've been.

Marijuana is another option many people use to get a temporary high. Although the legality has been argued, it remains illegal in most of the developed world due to it's addictiveness and mind altering properties. It is easily obtainable however but does getting high really make people happy? Some would argue yes because at least during the experience, most get heightened sense of enjoyment (reading on the topic says that it also heightens the negative emotions such as anger). Some would argue no because it's only temporary and like alcohol, cliched drugs used when down as escapes to ignore the problems bogging their life. At the end of the day in my opinion, time spent high on a cloud could be used down on the ground (fixing problems).

Reaching your own personal Nirvana in my opinion is about getting over fears, taking initative and pushing forward even though problems oppose you.

Getting high off leftover chicken so bye.

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