
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"man you gotta catch my bus. (why?) cause its all full of losers! man i dominate them! in talking to girls."

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


The other day i was waiting for a train only to glimpse a frail blind man with his cane scrambling to find his way through the doors and onto a seat. this really got me thinking about how precious simple things like sight are. personally i can not imagine and never hope to a world deprived of the beauty of light. or the beauty of music. or the beauty of taste. or the beauty of skin. or the beauty of aroma. i believe, as "gay" as it sounds that everyday everyone (more so in developed countries) should try their best to enjoy the world. unfortunately though, this will fall on deaf ears including mine for humans are always preoccupied with much more perceived important things. every now and then though i enjoy just being alone, walking through even what people consider a man-made suburb like hurstville and enjoy its sights sounds smells savours and smooth stone. some things we just take for granted.

The ability to diss people. the ability to see people. the ability to know about people. the ability to learn with people. the ability to believe people. the ability to be in the same room as people. the ability to be people. it are the many freedoms in our world that many people do not comprehend in daily life. the freedom of speech. the freedom of press. the freedom of information. the freedom of religion. the freedom of expression. the freedom of bodily safety. the freedom of sex. the freedom of thought. the freedom of human nature. calls wars and laws answered fought and made to grant humans so many freedoms. some things we just take for granted.

The great firewall of china. the one child policy. the death penalty. the discrimination of homosexual and transexual (LGBT) relationships. the subjection to torture by prisoners of war or "illegal enemy combatants". many things till this day stand in the way of freedom. but aside from naming controversial topics that many stand clear of, i have but one belief. many people don't know how lucky they are. enjoy the teh freedoms. enjoy the teh journey. because some things we just take for granted.

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