
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"(peers at ms barry (another young teacher) then continues to squat down) oh yea side view."

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


For many men has always attempted to explain many questions through many means. through religion and its three major branches of islam christianity and judaism. through science and its three major branches of biology chemistry and physics. through mathematics and its three major branches of arithmetic geometry (sets) and calculus. through media and its three major branches of print electronic and oratation. although i have just managed to somehow bullshit three branches for all the things aforementioned i can still not explain everything nor can humans.

Somtimes it takes a little faith. i could quote the famous urban legend argument by one albert einstein. however flawed in many ways i would rather say that man has always tried to explain things. although science is nowadays prevalent. many still flock to mecca every year. many still listen to the pope's message. many still celebrate passover. even though time and time again many scientific minds have passed the logic to disprove religions. they continue holding on to their faith. i would put forward that man needs to believe that something is bigger, better and bolder than themselves in order to function or rather have a reason just to be. whether it be a diety being such as god or a social convention such as law.

Recently a friend lost faith in something he holds true. i don't even know the reason but i can try and convince him. if he's reading that sometimes you have to wait around. sometimes you have to explore. regardless it takes time to find yourself. and faith. and who knows. maybe you'll find your true complement while you're at it.
By the way, while i'm at it i have lost faith already in the new myfail system. i had three dollars in a cumbersome quantity of coins when i discover the new price is $3.20 meaning i had to get even more coins as change.


  1. how do you make a nice quote box... i've want one.

  2. lol its javascript just view my source
    and thats the point :)
    and thanks lou
