
HOW TO GET BASHED: quotes from the infamous mr cheng

"man i was buying a snackbox then i was fully late to work"

if you have any interesting quotes from mr cheng, do not hesitate to email me.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Everyone knows that Tupac song that's sampled from Bruce Hornsby, it's actually quite beautiful when two otherwise unlikely pals find each other in a moment of brilliance - when rap and piano/other classically associated instruments are synced in a display of the art that is remixing. Musical brilliance aside, it is New Years Eve and really it is time again for many hopefuls around the world to begin making a list of the resolutions they strive to achieve next year - most involve dieting, fitness, gyming, and all other things that just make you sweat thinking about them.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I know I've been rather neglectful of readership (my whole two googlebots) these past few weeks but because of the fact that right now is such a momentous occasion where high school is but a distant memory and university is just barely peering out in the distant future. There is but time to simply enjoy the moment before once again many prospective university students stress out over examination results and lifestyle decisions. It is time to forget everything in fits of fun or dazes of alcohol-filled balmy nights with mates.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Review of: In Time

As a self-proclaimed movie critic, i believe us critics have a job of preserving the sacred art of film-making as well as protect the lives of many eyeballs that may explode or be scratched out due to a movie that can only be described as "crap". Anyhow, from his point forth, every blockbuster movie i watch, i will hereby make a judgement on its watch-ability or rather how much hard-earned money and time you will be looking to waste by viewing such despicable movies.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If there has been one word to take my clique by storm, it is the word 'mangled'. Indeed when you say it, you are clearly trying to be much cooler than you think but regardless, the definition (urban dictionary style) is to be 'off your face' or rather drinking a lot. To be honest, post-HSC there is nothing left to do but get 'mangled', i mean the brain cells are no longer going to be that useful and you have so much time and money that you might as well do it. To be honest, 'mangled' is a word that sounds kind of gruesome and death-ridden but then again, after seeing some friends obtain such status, it fittingly suits the mood.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


In such a stressful time of the year for many students across Australia, its good to find an outlet for your worries and shattered dreams. Of course its too early to really speculate on your results because there's still another few weeks of examinations then another month of marking but depending on whether your a pessimist like me, or an optimist, like nobody, there's always a deep feeling of failure you have to endure.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Why i do love summer? - people always ask this question (actually they don't): "It's hot, sweaty and sticky; the sun burns and days seem to go on and on and on and on..." Well, there are many reasons i love summer, i mean after all have you seen 500 Days of Summer, Summer is clearly a very attractive babe.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


You know that feeling when there's a really important event coming up - maybe a birthday or anniversary or perhaps some sort of examination and you kind of haven't gotten a gift or planned a nice date or done any study. Yes, most people would call it being "screwed" quite vulgar and wrong because it implies some sort of love making which in most cases is one of life's most beautiful things and not the dribble of trying to rummage one's room for notes of some legibility that might, if He permits, not cause a fail.

Friday, September 23, 2011


The bittersweet taste of the end of an era. School is officially over with a graduation assembly and then a hilarious drunk-filled afternoon at our playing fields. Yes, what prestige we hold dear to our hearts yet at the conclusion of school there is still the foreboding final examinations to come and with it, the expectation for many to either break or make their dreams and goals.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Moon

Let's face it, due to a childhood pressure to do well in Western studies and so my mother completely disregarded my knowledge of Chinese culture and history. This means i actually have no idea what the recent moon festival was actual about. Nevertheless, it represents a new beginning, a rebirth of sorts and that's what spring is, a pollen-filled hay fever plaguing season filled with new fitness regimes to look good for summer.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Sometimes life feels like crossing a river with a dangerous current. There are stepping stones to help you get to the other side of utilitarian accomplishment but sometimes, the gaps between stones are such that one must consider before jumping blindly and getting swept away into an undesirable current of despair.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bittersweet Symphony

Ah that classic song with the classic violin riff by the Verve that was later proved in court to be plaguerised from the Rolling Stone's 'The Last Time', what a perfect song and perfect background to sum up the feelings i'm currently having. Now i would say i'm an avid fan of bittersweet, whether it be those endings in Hollywood movies that aren't the generic feel-good fairytale, or even Mint Dark Chocolate, with enough sugar to entice, and cocoa to savour, bittersweet has been a staple of mine for years. Especially right now where there is the strangest excitment in the air, the end of trial examinations coupled with the terrible results i know i probably accomplished. Bittersweet indeed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Now normally i'm more subtle in the messages i try to convey here but at the climax of a year of schooling there is only one way to do this. As Homer Simpson once said "there's the right way, the wrong way and there's my way" "isn't that the wrong way?" "yeah, but quicker". Belonging to me, is best expressed in two simple words: Bull Shits. Why the 's'? well to say it was just one would be an understatement plus since it now has nine letters, one could easily say that because 'belonging' has nine letters that they are directly correlated.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Now alongside certain fantasies that probably shouldn't be disclosed on such a family friendly blog, i recently have also had dreams of anxiety. Those ones where you're giving a speech and somehow you forgot to dress yourself properly, ending up in just your embarrassing underwear, yes one of those.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Today i slept in til 1pm which i haven't done in a long time and honestly despite being a massive waste of a day, it really appealed to me for some reason. Surprisingly i took a nap two hours later as well just in case i thought i didn't have enough sleep.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I think i've recently found another "chill-out" spot for myself. Not too sure if anyone else does what i do which is accumulate a list of locations around the place that allow positive zen (what some people call it) and escape the daily grind (Gloria Jeans product placement), and above all, simply relax.

Friday, June 10, 2011


So the past few days i've been down and out with a cold - brought upon by largely unsanitary sharing of food rituals at school plus the sudden cold snap unleashed upon Sydney. Solitary confinement often makes you think (mainly because the headache's so bad that trying to do anything else is impossible) and so after watching The Adjustment Bureau, it really made me question the whole notion of self-determinism again. Man, i need to go out more.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The calm before the storm

In many ways the HSC is what people would call a void of life itself, a perpetual abyss where happiness and interest die alongside the sanity of anxiety and anticipation. I'd rather like to think of it as a storm, a crazed frenzy of last-minute cramming, and muddled schedules. In some ways you may end up somewhere amazing, or it could suddenly spit you out in god knows where - maybe even shitville or the urban renewal of "Great" Western Sydney. Oh anywhere but there.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

what they don't tell you

Well what they don't you when it comes to English writing is that its probably half logical half illogical and half bullshit. The other day i was studying for the upcoming examinations which included English and we 'analysed' movies for 'practice', and of course we came up with several ideas that although laughable prove both the idiocy and brilliance of high school English.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter is a time for reflecting religously, a shit load of chocolate, and remembering anzacs just incase five days wasn't enough.

My step-dad and i were having one of those 'deep and meaningful' conversations which probably belong in any Aussie drama (god knows they need something half-decent) and he raised the most interesting matter. The said that "in twenty years or so when you're an 'old fart' like me, you'll look back and wished you had done things a lot differently". Indeed, he was right and people should correct things before it's too late. He suggested that i better patch up things with an old friend that ended sour and well, who can argue with fatherly advice.

Monday, March 28, 2011

End of an Era

So this is it. I've finally decided to cease yet another phase in my life - a phase consisting of sports betting. Many may go well, finally common sense prevails, others such as me and fellow betters might be more melancholy. In any case, for at least another six months, i cannot sports bet which given my age is probably more legal anyway.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Every now and then people stop in the bustling nine-to-five and simply reflect on what they've become. Sure enough, some people realise they've put on a few pounds,some have become real unfit, and some have become a real ass. Others however will come to realise how far they've come, and how yesterday defined who they are today, and how today will define the future. The war bigger than Jesus (ie Heaven vs Hell), Optimism vs Pessimism.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The most Addictive Bullshit

I found myself staring at my computer till the early hours of the morning watching eBay auctions dwindle down despite never having enough money to purchase the product. I also found myself watching the odds of sports, calculating the best way to approach losing my money. Yes, its a money based world and at heart, obsessed with the good moo-lah, and invariably i think so am i.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

carpe diem

Any person who enjoys movies will certainly have or should watch Dead Poet's Society. The famous scene: carpe diem: seize the day! Time is the only restriction upon humanity so spend it wisely. As one hilarious teacher would put it: “Don’t count the days, make the days count.”

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cheer Up Emo Kid!

As the summertime fades into the snapshots you might've taken these holidays, and the loom (and gloom) of school draws closer, there is still some hope of fun despite all protests. We're still young and free, and if not so, at least still at heart.